In this article we are going to resume some aspects of the IO2 “Digital Transformation &Competences in Europe:Industry & Technology Relevant Trends, Gaps and Ideal Training Synergies”, published by DITA project.

The general approach has been structured starting from the analysis related to the digital readiness level in order to understand the Digital Transformation rankings in the respective countries, the impact of digital transformation in the identified industrial sectors and relevant stakeholders, the digital skills gaps and potential offer to establish the first matchmaking attempts.


DITA project aims at establishing cooperation mechanisms among training organizations, filling the current digital skills’ gaps around Europe.

Moreover, from the analysis carried out other skills’ needs have been highlighted such as the horizontal ones.

In particular, it has come to light that the need of training approaches in digital transformations are not only related to technical skills but also to soft ones. If we consider how fast the technological progress goes, we can affirm that STEM skills quickly become obsolete and scarce.

Furthermore, the digital transformation requires other capabilities than STEM skills such as cognitive and non-cognitive skills. If we consider the increasing of automation and repetitive tasks, there are some skills which are acquiring more and more importance like entrepreneurship, critical thinking, creativity, the capability to carry out non-routine tasks. Moreover, other important skills essential for the future are management skills, coordinating, collaborating and communicating with others, and emotional intelligence.

This resume has been introduced by the DITA communication manager Sara Canella of Nerosubianco (Project Coordinator) at the I4MS Talk: The Future of work: digital transformation of employment in the manufacturing sector.


Starting from March 2021, NeroSuBianco is part of the I4MS Contact Point Gold network.

I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) is an initiative promoted by the European Commission to support the digital transformation of SMEs in Europe.

The purpose of I4MS is to facilitate the transfer of digital technologies by putting companies and their needs in contact with European technology suppliers and consortia of excellence in key areas of the digital factory.