On the 15th December 2021, Flanders Make organized a multiplier event to introduce the Digital Industry Training Atlas to the Flemish Training ecosystem.
20 participants from all universities and several training institutes focusing on digital transformation were present.
The event was a virtual workshop with the goal to investigate how the EU Digital Training Atlas could support you in your Digital Training Mission of upskilling and reskilling the employees of European SMEs as needed for the digital transformation. This can be realized by creating visibility and by creating network of cooperation.
The workshop followed this Agenda
- Introduction to the project and the platform
- Key findings from project on “Digital Transformation & Competences in Europe: ‘Industry & Technology Relevant, Trends, Gaps and Ideal Training Synergies’
- Round table feedback on platform
The round table provided valuable insights on the value and opportunities for the platform. An direct outcome of the meeting is the registration of three training insitutes on the Digital Training Atlas.